Snape 100


May 6th, 2012

bethbethbeth @ 10:06 am: Challenge #433: "...May Flowers"
(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal and dreamwidth.

Also, remember that if you're an artist who would like to offer a drawble instead of a drabble, feel free

Challenge #433: "...May Flowers" Almost everybody knows the old rhyme: "April Showers bring May Flowers," which - although not strictly accurate in every part of the world, is most certainly appropriate for the Snape part of the world. So! This week's challenge is to write a drabble focusing on Snape and flowers - any kind of flowers (and that includes any of the flower-named women of the HP universe: Lily, Petunia, Pansy, Rose Weasley, etc..). Needless to say, Flowers-as-Potions-Ingredients are always welcome.

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