Snape 100


November 15th, 2011

ellid @ 08:30 am: Title: Lab Tech, II
Challenge: law enforcement
Word Count: 100

Snape was bent over his computer as Black and Potter arrived. He wore a spotless lab coat over a black turtleneck and wool trousers, long black hair pulled back into a queue.

"Well?" demanded Black.

"The report was e-mailed to you fifteen minutes ago," said Snape, a bit too precisely. "However, since I knew you'd come in person regardless, here are hard copies for you and Potter. Enjoy."

Potter spoke before his partner could do more than snarl. "Thanks, Snape. Can you summarize? The next victim - "

The door banged open. "The next victim's been taken," gasped Remus Lupin.

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