Snape 100


October 11th, 2011

ellid @ 07:46 am: Title: Faculty Exchange, II
Challenge: crossover
Word Count: 100
Note: this is a crossover with Cecilia Tan's wonderful Magic University series, set at Veritas, the magical version of Harvard. It's set after the fourth book, which ended with a magical cataclysm called the Burning Days.

The students dressed like Muggles and carried small electronic devices that that made loud electronic noises when not put on "vibrate," which sounded vaguely obscene but seemingly wasn't. Severus was also advised to dress like a Muggle, as only the Dean usually wore academic robes.

It was all rather disconcerting but endurable. What wasn't became evident in his very first class.

"Despite what you may have heard, there will be no foolish wand-waving in this - " He stopped as a student raised her hand. "Yes?"

"Professor Snape? We don't use wands."

Severus stared. So much for my opening speech.

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