Snape 100


October 2nd, 2011

bethbethbeth @ 10:38 am: Challenge #403: "Snake"
(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal and dreamwidth)

Challenge #403: "Snake". This week's challenge - based on a typo I made at least a dozen times this week for some odd reason - asks you to write a drabble in which a Snake features in some way. This can be as simple as writing a drabble that's very Slytherin-centric, but you could also opt to write about Nagini, Severus as a snake animagus, Snape time traveling to Harry's pre-Hogwarts "family outing" to the zoo (and subsequent snake encounter), or anything else you want to try as long as your drabble focuses on Snape and a Snake.

bonfoi @ 10:39 pm: Challenge #403: At the End [G] (SS/RL)
At the End

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: G
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Summary: He went into the Light.
Challenge: [info]snape100’s Challenge #403: “Snake”
Word Count: 100 exactly
Genre: Romance
Warnings: Canon Deaths
A/N: There’s a place in Heaven for Severus Snape, or someone will make it so, at least, that’s what I believe.

At the end, the Light saves Severus. )

Current Mood: calm
Current Music: Prohibition on PBS
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