Snape 100


September 25th, 2011

nimrod_9 @ 06:53 am:
Title: White Noise
Pairing: implied Snape/Lupin
Word Count: 7 x 100
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Unbeta'd
Challenge: #401 – St. Mungo's


bethbethbeth @ 09:18 am: Challenge #402: "Dreamscapes in Black and White, Redux"
(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal and dreamwidth)

Challenge #402: "Dreamscapes in Black and White, Redux". This week's challenge revisits a challenge from 2006, but with new images.

Below the cut are four black and white dreamscape photographs (alt attributes included). Choose one and use it as your prompt for this week's Snape-centric drabble. Feel free to write four different drabbles: one for each photo prompt!

this way to the images... )

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