Snape 100


July 12th, 2011

ellid @ 07:16 am: Title: Academic Conference, II
Challenge: random adjective generator: "flawed"
Word Count: 100

"Deterrent?" A woman whom Severus had met at the opening reception sprang to her feet. "Are you mad? No one wants to be a werewolf! All Belby did was ensure that children - "

"Master Belby believed that the addition of chopped shrivelfigs would render the potion's taste unacceptable enough that werewolves would think twice before subjecting others to the taste," said the assistant. She favored the audience with a tight, smug smile. "One must take personal responsibility."

Severus drew himself to his full height. "Fenrir Greyback deliberately turned children. Kindly explain how they are 'personally responsible' for their condition?"

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