Snape 100


July 11th, 2011

bonfoi @ 12:00 am: Prompt #392: Caught in the Act [PG13] SS/RL
Caught in the Act

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Summary: Prompt: Collarless
Challenge: [info]snape100’s Challenge #392: "Random Adjective Generator"
Word Count: 100 x 2
Genre: Alternate Universe; Post-Second Voldemort War; Romance
Warnings: Slash; Non-HBP Compliant; Non-Epilogue Compliant
A/N: It’s been a while since I posted anything, so I thought I’d start small.

After the war, Severus dresses the part of a free more ways than one. )

Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: Duffy "Warwick Avenue"
ellid @ 07:42 am: Title: Academic Conference, I
Challenge: random adjective generator: "flawed"
Word Count: 100

"Belby's potion is seriously flawed." Severus paused, looked out over the assembled audience long enough to satisfy himself that no one had fallen asleep, and continued. "The potion cannot be taken by children under the age of ten, which has preventing child werewolves from attending school. In addition, the vile taste - "

"Excuse me." A woman who had worked with Damocles Belby rose to her feet. "The taste of the potion is not a flaw. It was intentional."

Severus straightened. "Intentional? Do tell."

"Yes!" The assistant nodded. "It's a deterrent, rather like the medicaments used to discourage nail biting."

shadowycat @ 03:49 pm: Promises Made; PG
Title: Promises Made
Author: [info]shadowycat
Rating: PG
Challenge: #392: Random Adjective Generator
Word Count: 100
Prompt Word: Inflexible

As the sky brightened, he leaned against the cold stone wall and closed his eyes. Beneath his mask blood slipped down his cheek collecting in the hollow at his neck, the smell making him nauseous. He’d survived one more night. How many more did he have? How many more did he want?

Aching with bone-weariness, he was sorely tempted to let his aim waver, his wand drop, to leave himself vulnerable to fate. The inflexibility of promises made did not allow for such indulgence, so with a trembling hand, he pushed open a door and took up his part again.

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