Snape 100


July 13th, 2011

ellid @ 07:49 am: Title: Academic Conference, III
Challenge: random adjective generator: "flawed"
Word Count: 100
Note: I wasn't expecting Remus to show up, but he did. And I'm not sure of the identity of his son. It could be Teddy, or it could be another children. Tune in tomorrow!

Belby's secretary waited for the audience to subside. "No one will dispute that Greyback was a monster. However, why were his victims" - she crooked her fingers in mid-air " - allowed out of doors unattended? Surely the parents must bear some responsibility for their children's fate!"

The room erupted in shouts of "Shame on you!" "They were children!" "Victim blamer!" and far worse. Severus caught a flicker of movement near the exit: Remus, wand in one hand, son on his hip, for once looking like the stereotype of the murderous werewolf.

It had gone far enough.

"Quiet!" he roared.

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