Snape 100


March 22nd, 2011

ellid @ 06:49 am: Title: Burns Night, II
Challenge: Snape and Scotland
Word Count: 100

"Severus? Would you care for some neeps and tatties?"

Severus swallowed as an elf proferred a plate of steaming - things. The scent of haggis overwhelmed whatever the pale and the orange mashed heaps exuded. "I'd be charmed."

He took a gulp of the whisky that Minerva had poured for all the staff and waited for her to serve Pomona before surreptitiously casting a Tasty Food charm on the mess. That wouldn't help the texture, of course, but it would mask the flavor and scent long enough for him to eat a few bites.

"Delicious!" cried Pomona, cheerfully shoveling in haggis.

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