Snape 100


October 27th, 2010

ellid @ 07:33 am: Title: The Halloween Feast, III
Challenge: Halloween
Word Count: 100
Note: this answers the question of how and why Snape allowed Fluffy to get close enough to chomp him.

The creature snarled as he took a step forward. "Be quiet, you overgrown canine. I'm here to help you."

Another step. "Unless you prefer to sleep in your own wastes, which wouldn't be a surprise considering that you're one of Hagrid's little friends."

Another snarl, this one from all three heads. Next time he would take the extra five seconds to pinch some meat from High Table. "Good monster. Nice monster."

He pulled out two potions vials, one for solid waste, one for liquid. He aimed his wand at the redolent heap of straw behind the dog.

"Accio - shit!"

kelly_chambliss @ 12:45 pm: Aaaaahhhh!
Title: Aaaaahhhhh
Author: [info]kelly_chambliss
Challenge: #357 -- Snape's Halloween
Pairing: Snape/McGonagall
Length: 100 x 2
Rating: NC-17. Ish.
Warnings: Dialogue-only
Summary: Ever wonder what the teachers did to celebrate Halloween after they settled the business of the troll in the dungeon?
Notes: Written with much authorial snickering, lots of porn clichés, and no excuse. Many thanks to my excellent beta-reader [info]tetleythesecond.


Aaaaahhhhh )

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