Snack Attack - January 30th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Snack Attack

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January 30th, 2008

Mod Post [Jan. 30th, 2008|09:26 am]



Hello, everyone! I'm so glad Snack Attack is taking off so well. We've had some wonderful fics posted from some very talented authors. Some of the authors have written snack for the very first time. It's so exciting. You may also post any existing snack fics you've written.

Also, I wanted to address off topic posts. I like my asylums to be relaxed and fun, so I don't really have a problem with things like fic searches and whatnot. Story recs are perfectly ok as long as they are snack. Technical questions are fine too. If you have a problem I'm here to help. I probably won't be able to answer the question, but hopefully someone in the group can. Beta requests are fine as well. I'd be lost without my beta because I really can't beta. I'm terrible with punctuation and grammar. Anyway, like I said, I'm just here to have fun and read great snack.

I was thinking that maybe we could have a mini friending frenzy to get to know each other. Let me know if you think this is a good idea. It doesn't have to be formal, Just your user name and your likes and dislikes.

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[Jan. 30th, 2008|12:58 pm]



Ok, folks, I guess we'll do the little friending frenzy. If you want to post a little something about yourself, your likes and dislikes, please do. I'll start it off with some info about me. Have fun and make lots of new friends.

User Name: [info]sweetmelodykiss

I'm always looking for new friends with shared interests.

Hi! I'm Melody and I started this asylum because I love the Pairing of Severus Snape and Sirius Black.

Favorite pairings: Snarry, Snupin, Snack, Snucius, ok, I like Snape paired with pretty much anyone. I'm not much into Het, but I can read some of it.

Favorite threesomes: HP/SS/RL, SB/SS/RL, LM/SS/RL

Favorite Het pairings: SS/LL, SS/LE, SS/HG

Kinks: Mpreg, Bottom Snape, cross-dressing, light bondage, rimming, H/C, forced bonding

Squicks: Morbid unending angst with no hope in sight, major character death unless it's a happy afterlife story, skat, heavy torture with no sign of rescue and that's about it. I'll read almost anything. I am partial to happy endings.

That's all folks.
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[Jan. 30th, 2008|03:20 pm]

User Name: [info]esmestrella

Severus/Sirius was my very first pairing and is what got me into fandom in the first place after DH. It was a very rapid conversion from "I don't really get the point of slash, and I have to kind of skim over the buttsecks because ew" to "ooo yes please, two cocks in a story are so much better than one". I guess Severus is just that hawt. ;)

Favorite slash pairings: I am pretty Severus-centered. Severus/Sirius, Severus/Regulus, Severus/James, if they play nice (well, nice for Severus and James. No rape plz). I don't go looking for Severus/Harry with the fervor I do for any of those, but I enjoy it and I watch [info]snarry_games and all. Sirius/Regulus. Fred/George. I am developing a taste for Harry/Draco.

Favorite threesomes: Severus/Sirius/Regulus, Severus/James/Sirius, Severus/Remus/Lily, Severus/Harry/Draco

Favorite het pairings: Severus/Lily. I'm not much interested in het and I don't like Severus paired up with other female characters.

Kinks: Sexual stimulation by vocal quality and/or singing (I kink hard for scenarios where Severus brings someone off just by talking to them), use of opium or hashish, partly-clothed sex, description of sensual contrasts of dark and light, wall sex, floor sex, sex over furniture like desks and couches, hate sex, sex outdoors particularly under a night sky, someone doing their damnedest to make Severus understand that he is desirable, snark, fellatio with the receiver standing up, waking someone up with some sexual activity, gentle touching, fumbling-virgin-teenager!sex, first kisses, canonically-implausible-sexually-confident!Severus, sometimes voyeurism, angsty lonely masturbation with detailed fantasy, some dirty talk but I'd prefer it if people didn't call each other "whore", Slytherins doing unspeakable things in their common room

Squicks: Mpreg (any preg, actually), non-con, bestiality, torture, abuse, breathplay, cross-dressing (especially undergarments), BDSM (not exactly a "squick", it just tends to bore me), snowballing, semen on people's faces, scat, necrophilia, hair-pulling, fisting, object insertion, excessively rough fellatio (i.e. "mouth-fucking")

Most things classified as "kinks" just don't strike me either way. I don't "get" them, but I won't necessarily avoid them either.
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[Jan. 30th, 2008|06:27 pm]


Favorite pairings are Sirius/Snape, Sirius/Lupin, Snape/Lupin

Threesomes, Sirius/Snape/Lupin

Femmeslash pairings are Granger/Lovegood, Ginny Weasley/Lovegood

Het Pairings are Sirius/Tonks, Lupin/Lovegood

Kinks are bestiality, dildos, fisting, rimming, s&m, non-con, dub-con

I have no squiks. Nothing bothers me.
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