June 2008



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May. 16th, 2008


[Chad/Karin] A Little Extra Time

Title: A Little Extra Time
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Chad/Karin
Character(s): Sado "Chad" Yasutora, Kurosaki Karin
Summary: That Chad. He was a weird one.
Prompt(s): 'walk'
Word Count: 692
A/N: Originally posted September 2006.

Getting angry with Chad was a hard thing to do. )


[Gen] The Reason

Title: The Reason
Rating: G
Pairing(s): None.
Character(s): Sado Yasutora ("Chad")
Summary: Chad likes to take care of cute things, and it isn't just because they're cute.
Prompt(s): 'promise'
Word Count: 233
A/N: Originally posted September 2006.

To Chad, it is the best feeling in the world. )


[Chad/Orihime] Something to Hold Onto

Title: Something to Hold Onto
Rating: G
Pairing(s): Chad/Orihime
Character(s): Inoue Orihime; mentions of Chad, Tatsuki, Ichigo
Summary: Orihime doesn't like to feel weak.
Prompt(s): 'discover'
Word Count: 241
A/N: Originally posted September 2006.

And that, she thought, was something to hold onto. )


[Chad/Karin] Face to Face

Title: Face to Face
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Chad/Karin
Character(s): Mostly Karin, some Chad, and a little bit of Ichigo & Yuzu
Summary: Karin's tough, and she always has been. But there is one thing that bothers her...
Prompt(s): 'secret place' & 'affected'
Word Count: 2362
A/N: Originally posted July 2006.

She was tough, she didn't need to cry. )


[Chad/Karin] Not Enough

Title: Not Enough
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Chad/Karin
Character(s): Yasutora Sado, Kurosaki Karin, Inoue Orihime
Summary: Chad's strong fists aren't enough.
Prompt(s): 'words not enough'
Word Count: 622
A/N: Originally posted July 2006.

Chad's hair was falling into his face, but he hardly noticed it. )