June 2008



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May. 17th, 2008


[Tatsuki/Orihime] Monsters

Title: Monsters
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Tatsuki/Orihime
Character(s): Arisawa Tatsuki, Inoue Orihime
Summary: The world was made up of monsters.
Prompt(s): "monster"
Word Count: 396

Read more... )


[Rangiku/Orihime] Kon's Ultimate Fantasy

Title: Kon's Ultimate Fantasy
Rating: PG-13 for innocent naked contact and girl-kissing
Pairing(s): Matsumoto Rangiku/Inoue Orihime
Character(s): Matsumoto Rangiku, Inoue Orihime, Kon reference
Summary: While seeking to cheer Orihime up, Rangiku ends up trying to teach the girl a thing or two.
Prompt(s): "kiss"
Word Count: 1501
A/N: Request is here. Originally posted December 2006.

Orihime was being awfully quiet today. )


[Ishida/Orihime] Her Smile

Title: Her Smile
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): one-sided-ish!Ishida/Orihime
Character(s): Inoue Orihime, Ishida Uryuu
Summary: In which Ishida makes Hime feel better and vice-versa.
Prompt(s): 'crisis'
Word Count: 326
A/N: A little IshiHime drabble I wrote for this thing. Originally posted October 2006.

Ishida felt moisture on his cheek. )

May. 16th, 2008


[Gen] Honesty

Title: Honesty
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): None.
Character(s): Inoue Orihime
Summary: Orihime's not a hateful person.
Prompt(s): 'ashamed'
Word Count: 243
A/N: Originally posted September 2006.

She's just so prone to distraction. )


[Chad/Orihime] Something to Hold Onto

Title: Something to Hold Onto
Rating: G
Pairing(s): Chad/Orihime
Character(s): Inoue Orihime; mentions of Chad, Tatsuki, Ichigo
Summary: Orihime doesn't like to feel weak.
Prompt(s): 'discover'
Word Count: 241
A/N: Originally posted September 2006.

And that, she thought, was something to hold onto. )


[Chad/Karin] Not Enough

Title: Not Enough
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Chad/Karin
Character(s): Yasutora Sado, Kurosaki Karin, Inoue Orihime
Summary: Chad's strong fists aren't enough.
Prompt(s): 'words not enough'
Word Count: 622
A/N: Originally posted July 2006.

Chad's hair was falling into his face, but he hardly noticed it. )