
February 7th, 2007

Slythindor - Drabbles


February 7th, 2007

(non-challenge) A Cycle, Spinning.

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Original poster: house_illrepute

Title: A Cycle, Spinning.
Author: The House of Ill Repute ([info]gabe_speaks)
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: Harry, Draco, Pansy
Written for: [info]dracoharry100's "Leaving Home" challenge & [info]hd100's "struggle" challenge.
Authors Notes: non-smut, semi-angsty

Hogwarts: 7th Year – Third Floor Corridor: )

Challenge #39

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Original poster: sassy_cissa

[info]faith1922 I hope you're not going to kill me for posting challenges on Wednesday. Tuedays are just a bad day for me. lol I have to say I was VERY impressed with the responses to the last challenge and hang my head, because I could not for the life of me put a drabble together using the words. So for now, I admit defeat and move along. hanging on to the damn list, because I am determined to do it.

I'd also like to say I'm thrilled with the response to the challenges. You guys are the best! If you have an idea for a prompt, feel free to email me at

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, I decided to post a bit of an angsty challenge to counter all the love and fluff that will be posted soon. lol Oh stop week's will be so fluffy it will hurt your teeth

Prompt #39: Promises made and broken - This can be any kind of a promise, from making dinner to staying together for life. It can be fun or serious. Enjoy!

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