
May 9th, 2006

Slythindor - Drabbles


May 9th, 2006

Challenge #27, Songficcie

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Original poster: faith1922

Title: Cry in the Sun

A/N: Hey, I can still do angst. *does the angsty dance*
Challenge: #27
Rating: R, cuz I say so.
Words: 505, without the lyrics.
Disclaim Her: Not mine. Deal with it.
A/N2: Honestly, this is all based on the last line of the lyrics, hope I never see the price of my freedom. Well that and the very last sentence, that’s been bouncing around my mind for a while.
Dedication: This goes to all the angst-mocking-fluff-loving people out there, simply because I bet it’s been to long since someone made you cry. And seeing as I haven’t reached my daily quota yet…

Cry in the Sun )

Not a challenge - too long for a Drabble

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Original poster: sassy_cissa

Title: Irrational
Rating: PG
Pairing: H/D
Words: 859
Warnings: Implied slash
Summary: Harry misunderstands what he sees
Disclaimer: Characters belong to JK Rowling, et al. I take them and play with them, but always put them back carefully.
Beta: The amazing [info]silentauror
A/N: This is written for the [info]slythindor100 Challenge #26 quote "This isn't what you think it is." Unfortunately, it got a tad wordy for a drabble. Special thanks to [info]silentauror whose skill, knowledge and ability to put up with me is making me a better writer. And for [info]pervy_fairy whose friendship and unaltering faith in my ability to write keeps me going.

click for the story that ate my drabble )

Thanks for reading. Comments are loved.

x-posted at [info]harrylovesdraco

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