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[22 Sep 2022|02:02pm]
I've had a Murphey kind of month, so I'm looking for something on the lighter cute good natured side.

Nothing really in particular that thought out. A few rough ideas to build from:

1. Slice of life happy cheesy domestic bliss

2. Fwb realizing there's more

3. Best friends catching the feels (would love gay/straight trope).

For an idea with a sprinkle more drama is number 2 or 3 whoopsie baby they had to deal with while growing closer as they do. A la "Knocked Up" style.

Open to most faces and most kinks. Open to a/b/o but not a requirement. Seeking Slash.
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[22 Sep 2022|04:07pm]
bts members to smother with sarcastic love, and definitely filth. 🥺
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[ viewing | September 22nd, 2022 ]
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