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[12 Mar 2022|03:48am]
looking for something slash for travis barker
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[12 Mar 2022|01:31pm]
Unlikely but a Hank McCoy aka Beast for this non-mutant OC? Thinking they were dating before the experiment that turned Hank into the blue fuzzball we know and now doesn't think my guy could possibly still be interested in him.
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[12 Mar 2022|02:58pm]
looking for some dirty customs for nico
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[12 Mar 2022|03:29pm]
Looking for a Nick Jonas PB who can't pay the bills and has already burned his bridges for cash with friends, so he goes to my loan shark for help. When Nick can't pay, my loan shark takes full advantage of him for payment. If you're interested, send me a custom for us to talk more!
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[12 Mar 2022|05:56pm]
i know no one probably will, but is there a small chance i could get gerard way for my bert mccracken?
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[ viewing | March 12th, 2022 ]
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