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Looking for some Teen Wolf family - [14 Feb 2022|01:50pm]
Be willing to join a community. Comment with a custom, or ask for one
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xposted [14 Feb 2022|04:46pm]
seeking an otp celeb psl filled with fluff, the occasional smut, and character development. basically, what i had in mind was hongjoong finally confessing his feelings/attraction towards seonghwa and being embarrassed about it for denying it for so long. mainly due to the fact that he couldn’t fully accept himself and has had a hard time understanding his own sexuality. seonghwa expresses how he relates to how hongjoong feels which in turns makes their bond that much stronger on an emotional level. im okay with journals for scenes (and all the xtras) and wire for ic chats. i like to write at least 3 paragraphs and hope to receive the same back~
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[14 Feb 2022|11:11pm]
Looking for at least one (possibly more if there is interest) poly partner for this Christian Bale face for a gpsl that is in the planning stages. He is played as bi, and there will likely be a female partner in his life as well. All details are up for discussion, but looking for serious, journal based writing in the line. Also comes with potential family lines, and I'm looking for a brother or two specifically if anyone would be into that (no incest). Darker tones to some family lines/backstory and could be some in present day depending on discussion.
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[ viewing | February 14th, 2022 ]
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