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[15 Jun 2021|02:39pm]
Anyone writing John Constantine?
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[15 Jun 2021|04:40pm]
can I get something for davey?
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[15 Jun 2021|04:54pm]
An older, more experienced man for something set at a pride event like Folsom Street Fair where some kinky public things can occur?
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[15 Jun 2021|06:41pm]
a hooks up with b (a buddy, workmate, friend of a friend, etc) who is supposedly straight. it's not bad, but b is too tight and nervous to do anything so he mostly gives an awful bj, blows his load quickly and leaves without saying much. a marks it down as a unique experience and goes about his life. to his surprise, a few months later b sends him a text requesting another hook up.

looking for a.
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[ viewing | June 15th, 2021 ]
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