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[18 Apr 2021|05:03am]
looking for a long term slash line, not complete fluff or smut, but something fun. i want to actually be able to write!
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[18 Apr 2021|05:28am]
looking for a colin or jake still for my jared, maybe ezra miller or chris hemsworth
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[18 Apr 2021|09:27am]
Looking for Tom Hardy, Jon Bernthal or Jai Courtney to join [info]blackdawn with me as my human boy's owner! Species and other details are open to discussion.
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[18 Apr 2021|02:46pm]
looking for a dom for him! which will be really complicated. would love someone from bts or another idol. but open to other celebs and maybe even pb. i would prefer this to be a celeb line.
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[18 Apr 2021|06:32pm]
Looking for a few different lines long term, open to plotting.

* Camboy/ sugar daddy
* BDSM relationship

Darker themes and kinks welcome
Journals or wire

Costars and others welcome

Cross posted
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[ viewing | April 18th, 2021 ]
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