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[07 Feb 2021|06:08am]
Inspired by the release of Werewolf: The Apocalypse-- Earthblood I'm interested in writing werewolf boyfriends dedicated to tearing apart toxic mega-corporations that are polluting the planet and probably infested with supernatural evil. I'll be using Pablo Schreiber and would love someone a similar age (late 30s, early 40s).
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[07 Feb 2021|06:32am]
can i get something for davey havok?
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[07 Feb 2021|01:17pm]
something for him? i’d kill for someone unconventional like darren criss, grant gustin, zac efron, or sebastian stan but open to others
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[07 Feb 2021|04:29pm]
Long term lines or one shots for this professional Dom. Open to PB changes. Everything you need is on the journal.
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[07 Feb 2021|08:56pm]
Looking for something for a superhero who got into his league of superheroes through family connections. I want to do filthy things to him. Check the journal.
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[ viewing | February 7th, 2021 ]
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