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[09 Jan 2021|06:37pm]
[info]pridefalls is a new a/b/o game with a modern-day Bridgerton theme, and we're looking for all kinds of lines there. I have this guy here who is the owner of a nightclub, loves scandal, and is an alpha who is only into other alphas. He'd love to see new flings, an old flame "one who got away", employees, rivals... you name it.
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[09 Jan 2021|11:31pm]
[Mod, delete if not allowed]

When AIM was still a thing, sometimes I'd pop over there to do a fun, smutty one-shot.

Only, you know, AIM is no longer a thing. Does anyone know a slashsls-like group on Discord?
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[ viewing | January 9th, 2021 ]
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