slash storyline community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
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[19 Dec 2019|02:06pm]
In anticipation of the greatness that is about to be delivered unto us by our Lord and Savior, Lauren S. Hissrich, I'm looking for Witcher lines! I can play Geralt or an OC witcher against other witchers (Eskel? Lambert?) or a monster that gains the witcher's sympathy. I have a few storyline prompts here for inspiration!
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[19 Dec 2019|04:54pm]
ignore the journal.

looking for a slash psl for my adam driver PB.if you're in the market for a slash psl/possible community thing, hit me up. (no overly kinky/painful SL sorts please. i will drop off of those sorts)
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[ viewing | December 19th, 2019 ]
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