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[16 Dec 2019|12:48am]
Looking for a line based loosely on this video:

Loosely, a smaller, insanely flexible dancer type (like timothee chalet, shawn mendes, cole sprouse, etc.) vs a moderately larger athlete type (like chris Evan's, sebastian stan, chris hemsworth, etc.).

Kink friendly. Journals. Willing to write either half. Comment on my screened post or here for where to reach you.
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[16 Dec 2019|04:15am]
Tony Stark for my Steve Rogers, that's all I want for Christmas.
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[16 Dec 2019|12:08pm]
something for sharon needles, wouldn't be opposed joining a place with a line!
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[16 Dec 2019|07:16pm]
Something fun and romantic, full of magic and cryptids? Fantasy, sci-fi, urban fantasy, high strangeness all around. I’m open to ideas!
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[ viewing | December 16th, 2019 ]
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