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[13 Dec 2019|07:05am]
looking for someone to play a possible "straight" or "out" man against a drag queen or vice-versa
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[13 Dec 2019|11:23pm]
Still looking for:
- Fae politics line. A Sidhe knight is being called back from exile to redeem himself by rescuing a younger prince who's next in line to the throne of a given court. The only catch is that there may or may not be several other people in line for the throne ahead of the prince that he needs to get rid of. (I would prefer to play the disgraced knight/ reluctant assassin/ rescuer.)
- A prince whose curse just got broken by someone who was not supposed to do so. Cue the prince trying to remember who he is and how he got to where he is, while the person who helped him tries to make sense of what's going on. (I would prefer to play the prince.)
- Prince Charming is happily married but the otherworldly suitor from his boyhood refuses to give up. Surprise, it's a demonic or eldritch entity who wishes to join their realms together. (I would play the suitor.)

If you're interested, let's chat in a custom! I only write through journals or GDocs. Comments are screened.
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