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[30 Nov 2019|04:52am]
So it's been like two years and I was randomly thinking of this character and eternally bummed that I never got to do anything with him so I'm fishing.

This is JD/Jamie/James. He's a born witch, his family owns a little silly homeopathic/new age store with an herb garden/nursery. Comes from a small town where they're just weird, and not everyone knew what his family was but they sold potions and such out of the back room.

Are there any low fantasy/plot type games around with easy requirements and hell idk a lack of examples? I want laid back not something that I'll fear missing a day and everything ever happening or stressing over an app.

A PSL is preferred, he used to have a familiar who was a weretiger type. That was cool. Needs not to be sexy, as he prefers to stay a virgin for convenience sake. Which is every bit as ridic as you can imagine.

Also debating aging him up and using Colin Morgan as a pb. Because Jamie's got an older brother and damn if someone couldn't use Benedict Cumberbatch for it. Maybe I'm crushing on him. Sue me.
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[30 Nov 2019|04:11pm]
could i get something for brandon or dylan lee?
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[30 Nov 2019|07:45pm]
Looking for a PSL for an Armie Hammer who has massive ugly duckling syndrome, possibly a victory screw that turns into more? Could be that he runs into an old best friend before one of them moved? An affair where one of them is in the closet? Comments are screened.
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[ viewing | November 30th, 2019 ]
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