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[22 Nov 2019|05:24am]
So after reading a tiny prince au comic for Merlin, I have the itch and maybe someone else will want to help scratch?

A is a prince who's maybe recently come into crown status, or he's a bit older, either way he's been prompted to pick a future consort. The King is naturally pushing all the best princesses his way and he tries, despite not getting any interest on either end, and after one particularly hard push because it would be for the good of the kingdom he gets fed up at a ball, and when B walks up to introduce himself, he bows, grabs B's hand and loudly proposes for the whole ball to hear.

B could be a prince with no direct line to the throne of his own country, a royal sorcerer or a knight(as they were typically noble) or some commoner even if we go the whole kingdom was invited route and kick up even more disapproval from the King. Either way, A is doing it just to prove to the King how ridiculous trying to shove him into marriage is but everyone is shocked when B happily declares YES.

I'd play either end of this, and love generic couples, so if you've got some fave faces, toss them my way. Otherwise, I'm happy to pick someone based off the character and you do the same. Could have a modern spin or keep it more medieval.

Wanting to explore the consequences of the proposal, and maybe A tries to call it off but every time he tries to get B alone so they can talk about it, B is just too much and he finds he can't, and eventually doesn't want to call off the engagement.

Also cool with christmas spins or just something totally generic and summery so they can have picnics or whatever. Emotionally charged but still overall cute and happy preferred.
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[22 Nov 2019|08:24pm]
anyone for him?
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[22 Nov 2019|09:27pm]
i'd love a psl with michael b. jordan, jason momoa or another big guy
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[ viewing | November 22nd, 2019 ]
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