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[10 Nov 2019|07:46pm]
[info]exam Looking for a Quentin Coldwater for Eliot Waugh.
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[10 Nov 2019|09:46pm]
Looking to fill these lines. Comment here or in my journal if interested.

1. Two lonely guys meet in a chatroom late one night. Character A suffers from insomnia and often turns to the internet when he can't sleep. He's a bit of an introvert as well. Character B has a 'secret'. Maybe he has a disability, struggles with mental health, is engaged or we can brainstorm something else. I'd like them to become friends, develop some feelings, but one or the other keeps putting off meeting.

2. Looking for someone interested in writing a Dom/sub line where you play the Dom. I know everyone wants to be the sub, but I've played a Dom always and want to play the other side. Looking for someone mature, someone open to TPE (total power exchange) and other aspects. Not seeking a smut centric line. Seeking someone open minded.

Also open to your ideas and brainstorming.
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[ viewing | November 10th, 2019 ]
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