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[27 Oct 2019|08:57am]
can i get an armie for my timothee in a celeb line? details here.
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[27 Oct 2019|09:56am]
Any chance for something in the IT universe? I don't care who I play or if it's young losers or old losers. I just finally saw both of the movies and I have feelings.
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[27 Oct 2019|03:06pm]
in the spirit of spooky season, anyone want to write a slash line set in the charmed universe? could be our own reboot set in modern day, new characters in the same universe as the original, next gen halliwells, dystopian future, a crossover, whatever. smut + world building + campy magic, what could go wrong?
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[27 Oct 2019|03:38pm]
I know its an insane longshot, but would anyone be up for a line against Ruki from The Gazette?

Maybe something supernatural or cyberpunkish (to help explain his crazy stage looks).
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[27 Oct 2019|07:40pm]
Looking for some new slashy lines for this gent right here. Open to slice of life to motorcycle club/prison/mafia related private lines. Open to discussion too.
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[ viewing | October 27th, 2019 ]
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