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[20 Oct 2019|05:47pm]
Anybody still play omegaverse slashy smutty goodness on here?

Screened post on my journal.
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[20 Oct 2019|07:18pm]
looking for a spooky halloween smut line for a chubby bottom bear type. monsters - particularly the non-humanoid kind - are especially welcome!
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[20 Oct 2019|10:16pm]
Character A is a vampire and character B is his sire who left/abandoned character A 75 years ago. I want to plot and discuss why as well as other details. The two meet again in modern day. I want to write the story from there.

I want to explore how this coming together again affects them both and where they go from there. They did have a "relationship" in the past. I want to brainstorm that detail. I want drama, angst, twists and turns and more. I will be playing character A.

Journals only.
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[ viewing | October 20th, 2019 ]
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