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[14 Oct 2019|12:22pm]
home/psl for dacre slash only please
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[14 Oct 2019|12:38pm]
Working on this JDM face to take to [info]manyloves I'd love an RDJ or Javier Bardem shaped relative, children? FWBs and possibly a current partner as well. I'd love to brainstorm something epic with him working at the resort or being a permanent guest.
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[14 Oct 2019|02:49pm]
i'd do anything for dacre montgomery to come to [info]undulation and assault me with those eyelashes.
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[14 Oct 2019|06:28pm]
Thinking about setting this Henry Cavill up at [info]manyloves - anyone interested in him for anything at all?
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[ viewing | October 14th, 2019 ]
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