slash storyline community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
slash storyline community

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[30 Sep 2019|07:41am]
does anyone still do psls? and slash? i know everyone wants a line at a community, but a psl would be ace for me! i would love to just write and do something that i love doing. would anyone be down for discussing something together?
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[30 Sep 2019|08:10am]
would anyone be down to have sharon needles as an ex with still benefits or a love interest anywhere? i'll also and always take a psl as well
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[30 Sep 2019|01:53pm]
i and so many other people would really really really really like for aaron taylor johnson to come to [info]undulation. i'll do pretty much anything.
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[30 Sep 2019|08:22pm]
[info]undulation dacre, please?
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[ viewing | September 30th, 2019 ]
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