slash storyline community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
slash storyline community

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[28 Sep 2019|06:47am]
anyone down to brainstorm together a long term slash line? where faces don't matter and we just write?
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[28 Sep 2019|05:31pm]
something fun, dramatic and long term for reeve
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[28 Sep 2019|06:27pm]
looking for non-slice of life slash lines, all with characters in their midish-thirties or older. harry potter, supernatural, special powers (not necessarily superhero, but like mediums, bring people back from the dead with a touch, android, something like that). if none of that sounds good, bring me your ideas, but be aware i don't write smut.
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[28 Sep 2019|11:50pm]
Looking for a slash line with a celeb or (preferably) faux-celeb meets a regular person at a Halloween party and become smitten over the course of the evening. There is MUCH MORE HERE that I have as ideas for the line and where it could lead. Journals only. Comment here or in the journal!
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[ viewing | September 28th, 2019 ]
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