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Been a while since I've done PB but! I love this guy. [26 Sep 2019|01:12am]
Faux: Band guy travels during a break and runs into your character, show him around or just take him home.
Soccer player in similar situation.
Language issues optional. Willing to play against another celeb type or just an average joe. No recognition needed.

Slice: Cam boy meets a fan or someone to collab with, one thing leads to another. Maybe feelings happen.
Small town jock vs nerd or anything else we can come up with but I enjoy this setting. Newcomer, single dads, whatever.
Dating app and all the bonuses like texting posts, emails, as well as scenes.

Spooks: Werewolves, witches and familiars, vampires (with blood kink?) or a haunted situation. Or just a couple of idiots who get scared easily trying to check out some places and see if they find anything. Hell...zombies?

Alternate: I love the X-men, so anything in that? Mutants, middle of a war, established world where everyone has ~powers~? Will also play fandom characters here.
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[ viewing | September 26th, 2019 ]
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