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[22 Sep 2019|12:19pm]
i miss playing this big ol' blockhead. where's everyone at these days?
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[22 Sep 2019|03:41pm]
looking for a long term slash line
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Cross-posted [22 Sep 2019|04:45pm]
Blame a Netflix binge of Teen Wolf bringing back old character urges. But anything slash for Derek Hale? Canon or crossover.
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[22 Sep 2019|04:46pm]
Is there a Hannibal in the house?
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[22 Sep 2019|05:22pm]
Looking for a slash line against a top Jeremy Allen White, Shia Labeouf, or Pete Davidson. Journals or discord
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[22 Sep 2019|06:21pm]
‘Tis the season!!!

Looking for something supernatural spooky. Gloomy cites, or foggy mountains, old superstitions or myth hunters. Vampires are love (not the sparkly kind) and Southern Gothic is a trend that should be a lot more prominent!

Alternatively, if you think Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds’ ‘Red Right Hand’ is an awesome song, then I totally want to hear from you!

Faces gotta be 30+, and huge bonus points for tall, dark and mysterious.
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[22 Sep 2019|07:04pm]
I'm looking for three things;

1. A Johnathan Van Ness for my Antoni
2. Something for Adore Delano
3. And my super long shot- If anyone has seen the new Tales of the City, I'd looooove a Jake/Flaco line.

Sorry for the x-posting.
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[22 Sep 2019|08:02pm]
Something a little different, but one of the Glee guys to hypnotize and have some questionable 'fun' with Sam? Very open on kinks. Screened both here and in the journal.
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[22 Sep 2019|09:03pm]
for [info]themontgomery

Line wanted: An ex.

Ren here tends to fall for people that are bad for him. They were probably a hot mess together, on and off, for a couple of years. Maybe he was a closeted cop. Or a professor teaching him in university with a wife and kids. Or perhaps he was a promising young actor on the rise in the fancy world of stardom and couldn't risk making their relationship known. Perhaps even a famous film director. Whoever he is, they've just met again, living in this same building where strange things keep happening. Maybe things will change now. Or perhaps they'll crash and burn in spectacular fashion again. Open to all ideas. :)

Suggested PBs: JDM, Jonathan Rhys Meyer, Christian Bale, George Clooney, Colin Farrell, Taylor Kitsch, Ian Somerhalder, Bradley Cooper, just to name a few. This is a non-exhaustive list.
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[ viewing | September 22nd, 2019 ]
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