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[14 Sep 2019|08:22am]
something for richard?
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[14 Sep 2019|03:22pm]
[info]mythicize Looking for angel that my demon can possibly corrupt or at the very least show this incubus what love is.

Also looking for any other lines for his guy.
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[14 Sep 2019|05:01pm]
Ready to get into the spooky season so looking for slash lines playing a human against some sort of monster/beast. I have a few ideas but I am down to brainstorm something, looking for something more long term that has plot with its smut.

If monsters aren't you're thing I am also interested in doing a Halloween party hook up situation that could be an unlikely pair but thanks to costumes and alcohol things happen.
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[14 Sep 2019|08:18pm]
I NEED a travellust line! Two strangers meet in a far off, exotic location (aka, NOT America) and navigate a city while falling in love. Bonus points for Europe, with fall going into winter and all those changing colours and Christmas Market feelings.

30+ faces only (not looking for Contiki backpacker/hostel hookups, so digital nomads, 'Under the Tuscan Sun/Eat, Pray Love' divorcees or working professionals transferred to an oversees office) with a writer who is excited to jump on google maps, or google 'fun things to do in XYZ city' and write, create and imagine from there.

Let me know if you're interested, and throw a city or country at me!
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[14 Sep 2019|09:34pm]
Slash for a DJ Khaled pb?
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[ viewing | September 14th, 2019 ]
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