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[09 Sep 2019|06:31am]
Wanted plots in my journal. Looking for some good old fashioned sex pollen lines. Bring me your horny, your drugged, your desperate men yearning to get laid. (ABO loved, will play any role.)
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[09 Sep 2019|06:59am]
looking for a good long term slash line where maybe we could go to a community together! apps, no apps, threads, google hang-outs, i just want to write!
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[09 Sep 2019|07:26am]
something fun, slash, a little drama filled for ash stymest. would love another model, keery, dacre, ezra miller, or jason momoa
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[09 Sep 2019|08:44am]
Looking for a home for this guy. Someone suggested [info]newamsterdam - would anyone want/need him for anything?

In short, he is a 29 year old fella working in the paleontology department at AMNH and has his doctorate in museum studies. His sexuality is fluid and while he's always down to have fun, there's also a serious side to him, especially when it comes to his career. He would need most things, save for a relationship or roommates.

Otherwise - what are some other large city games that are active?
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[ viewing | September 9th, 2019 ]
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