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[07 Sep 2019|06:46am]
looking for something long term and slash, writing please!
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[07 Sep 2019|03:04pm]
I'm working on this guy (pb Goran Visnjic) to take to [info]incestmod I'm looking for a male partner outside the family for him - would love Matt Lanter but am open on faces (cliche preferred, though). Would also like to find some children for him - someone like Liam Hemsworth or Colton Haynes as a son. I'm extremely open to other pbs, these are just suggestions. There would be some sexual involvement with the sons if wanted.
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[07 Sep 2019|04:33pm]
'tis the season!

I've got an idea for a storyline where a young witch comes to a small, quiet town to practice his craft and live on his own for the first time. He meets a local guy, maybe a werewolf, vampire, or other stock Halloween monster. Sort of like Kiki's Delivery Service, but more Halloweeny. Something light with the fun kind of spooky, like Christine McConnell, Elvira, or Casper.
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[07 Sep 2019|05:52pm]
something long term for bill skarsgard
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[ viewing | September 7th, 2019 ]
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