slash storyline community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
slash storyline community

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[31 Aug 2019|02:25am]
would anyone be interested in a secret incest line at a community or a private line? looking to play the son or nephew.
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[31 Aug 2019|09:05am]
[info]abstinence chris evans for all the dirtiness please
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[31 Aug 2019|05:58pm]
slash line where my guy ends up hooking up with his boyfriends brother or co-worker?
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[31 Aug 2019|06:29pm]
Dirty lines for the weekend? Maybe a fun gangbang.

I've got some prompts in the journal or feel free to hit me with your own!
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[31 Aug 2019|07:30pm]
Ignore the face but would love a romantic line for my guy who recently went through a lot of heart ache. Slash only.
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[ viewing | August 31st, 2019 ]
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