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[28 Aug 2019|04:01pm]
[info]sunset jack barakat i have a few different ideas
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[28 Aug 2019|04:31pm]
His life is perfect, prominent lawyer, father of two beautiful children, and a loving wife but things change when he starts working late with his paralegal and thoughts and feelings he's long suppressed make their way to the surface. Looking for his younger male paralegal for a line of smut, fluff, and plot. Open to pbs.
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[28 Aug 2019|09:26pm]
Looking for a slash line with a celeb or faux-celeb meets a regular person at a Halloween party and become smitten over the course of the evening. There is MUCH MORE HERE that I have as ideas for the line and where it could lead. Journals only. Comment here or in the journal!
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[ viewing | August 28th, 2019 ]
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