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[23 Aug 2019|11:41am]
this is a long shot but would anyone play zachary quinto in a psl?
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[23 Aug 2019|03:26pm]
I’m looking to fill a M/M line at The Fame @ Dreamwidth. I’m currently playing Matthew Daddario, but I’m quite open to suggestions. My dream person would be Jason Momoa, but again I’m very open to all ideas. Someone into D/s, bdsm, power exchange, and all those yummy darker themes would be a huge bonus. Hit me up here, or in the journal if you’re interested. Cheers.
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[23 Aug 2019|06:43pm]
Looking for a slice of life romance psl for this sweet Englishman. Not picky about faces (though I'd love to see Viggo Mortensen or older faces in general). I've written him in omegaverse before as an omega and I'd be happy to do that again, but it's not a necessity, he can work as a switch in a regular plotline as well. Threading preferred and kink friendly, but not looking for a game right now. Mostly interested in writing a relationship with smut, not just smut for its own sake.
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[ viewing | August 23rd, 2019 ]
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