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[20 Aug 2019|12:05pm]
[info]incestmod Looking for his brother, who is in a polycule with him and their wives, he's been with his brother longer than either have been with their wives. PB suggestions for his brother include Peter Capaldi, Charles Dance, Tommy Lee Jones, Patrick Stewart and Kevin Kline, but am more than open to others.

Would also love more children, he has only one in game right now. Very open on pbs as long as they fit looking like Jeff or Geena Davis who is the pb for his wife.
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[20 Aug 2019|03:54pm]
I'm just so bored.
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[20 Aug 2019|06:35pm]
ignore the icon, but would anyone be interested in playing a professional dom that my character hires? i see this getting very rough, but i'm open to lighter themes. major points for anyone who wants to possibly try a long-term line for this, but i'm down for one shot scenes as well.
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[ viewing | August 20th, 2019 ]
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