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[03 Aug 2019|12:08am]
Looking for a Justin Bieber, Liam Payne Shawn Mendes, or Pete Davidson for one of the boys listed in my journal. Prefer pb but will play a pb against a celeb.
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[03 Aug 2019|07:35am]
Would anyone be interested in a summer fling line between two guys? PBs over 30, please.
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[03 Aug 2019|09:01am]
So I have some Magicians season four feelings. Is there an Eliot out there for my Quentin?
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[03 Aug 2019|10:18am]
[info]lykoscity more new blood for our shifters to play with now that we are OPEN!
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[03 Aug 2019|12:49pm]
anyone need Taika?
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[03 Aug 2019|04:43pm]
I know this might be a long shot, but I would love to find a Chris Pine face for this guy right here to help bring him out of his shell a little bit and join him at the GPSL he's in.

Profile is in the journal, but if you're interested, drop me a note.
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[ viewing | August 3rd, 2019 ]
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