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[18 Jul 2019|08:32pm]
Looking for a sexy, powerful Witch for a crazy relationship over at [info]kngdmcome. Basically, the ‘Lestat to my Louis’ XD

Together, they’re super turbulent, completely unhealthy, and yet totally incapable of staying away/keeping their hands off each other. And when they get together, worlds burn. Your guy will be more powerful than mine in general, especially with blood magic, but much weaker when it comes to fire and sheer hatred. Your character is much more manipulative, though maybe not as cunning as mine.

Basically, they’re balanced in all ways. Ying and yang. Neither is good and neither is evil, but they probably have a lot to say about that. When your guy isn’t around, then mine is cursing him out as being the spawn of Satan, and not in a good way.

Only PB preferences is that they’re of a comparable or older age (played against a Sebastian Stan PB, mid 30’s onwards – open to total May/December). At the moment this character has been referred to as 'Darius' but the name can change, at least until he's mentioned in play.
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[18 Jul 2019|10:25pm]
[info]kngdmcome would anyone like to work out a line with a human/son of a infamous hunter, thrown into Kingdom Come because he was involved with a supernatural creature?
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