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[15 Jul 2019|05:31pm]
marvel slash for sebstan? filthier the better

alternatively, chace crawford and winston duke to come to [info]abstinence
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[15 Jul 2019|07:17pm]
low-key friendly celeb slash fun with all your favorite hero dudes. san diego comic con week is a great jumping on point for newbies and for old friends. come try us out!
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[15 Jul 2019|11:47pm]
There's a cat meowing outside and I'm taking it as a sign.

What's my chances of getting a Roman Godfrey to come to a gpsl with me if we click well? Or a Peter for my Roman. Preferably both of them taken from before the shit really hit the fan on the show. Also totally ready to go for a PSL that could be a total rewrite potentially. Sexy times I'd prefer they switch for fun. We can keep the threesome.
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[ viewing | July 15th, 2019 ]
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