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[13 Jul 2019|01:15am]
[info]kngdmcome It doesn't have to be romantic but all my hopes and dreams and pleading for a Colin Farrell to join as either a human my guy has become infatuated with, or a fellow demon for shenanigans! Also other Fantastic Beasts cast mates 'cause their interactions are ♥
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[13 Jul 2019|02:59am]
Leonard Snart for my Mick Rory? I can also play the flip side.
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[13 Jul 2019|06:54am]
looking for someone to play someone against dave navarro or tommy lee, even one of tommy lee's boys. i'm open to drag queens and trans people as well
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[13 Jul 2019|07:11am]
something slash for leonardo, take it somewhere maybe?
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[13 Jul 2019|11:45am]
Anyone interested in a small (4-5 players) a/b/o idea taking place in a medieval-fantasy setting? Both female and male characters. Check the journal for more info!
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[13 Jul 2019|04:10pm]
[info]dockside this guy is one of the owners. Looking for a specific bff/brother from another mother line, at least one sibling line, his two adult sons (18-21), maybe a long-ago ex with details, and honestly anything but a romantic partner.
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[13 Jul 2019|06:55pm]
ignore the journal (or don’t) but i’m looking to play one of the guys from why don’t we against someone else in the band. journals only!
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[13 Jul 2019|08:20pm]
[info]dockside Now that I have this guy pinned down, any lines?

The bitchy best friend? Or the mysterious ex? A frequent bar side flirt that hasn’t yet led to anything physical? What about a classical music lover who might know who Decian is? Or someone to show him that spending money and enjoying himself isn’t actually bad.
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[13 Jul 2019|08:27pm]
Does anyone pb jack barakat?
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[ viewing | July 13th, 2019 ]
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