slash storyline community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
slash storyline community

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[11 Jul 2019|12:41am]
Looking for a writing-forward community, maybe with a slash-y lean and erotic tone but mostly just looking to find some fun writers who like to gossip about characters and explore interesting lines. With some smut on the side. Ha!

Not looking for a home for THIS boy here necessarily though if anyone is interested let me know.

Also if anyone is looking for a writer with a lot of ideas to fill a line in a comm(or in a PSL if I find it intriguing enough) let me hear it!

Apologies for any cross posting clogs.
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[11 Jul 2019|07:36am]
[info]dockside All stars pb slash gpsl. We're brand spanking new so grab your holds and jobs while they last.
Special first-adds offer: no examples needed.
*some limitations may apply. Check the rules for further details.
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[11 Jul 2019|04:06pm]
Slash for a DJ Khaled pb? Maybe an innocent virgin boy?
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[ viewing | July 11th, 2019 ]
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