slash storyline community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
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[29 Jun 2019|09:58am]
Looking to have two lines filled.

1. Character A is a lonely guy who suffers from insomnia. He meets a fellow night owl (character B) in a chatroom. Not looking for a smut line. Looking to plot and discuss the line. Maybe my guy has a secret or yours does. Maybe one is engaged or taken. They're are lots of possibilities!

2. I'm looking for a mature, fun writer who would be interested in playing a blind character where we can really explore the depth of their relationship - the good, the bad and everything in between.
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[29 Jun 2019|09:47pm]
a michael sheen (pb preferred) to come up with something ineffably fun to write? threading only, comments screened!
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[29 Jun 2019|10:18pm]
What guys would be wanted at [info]abstinence
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[29 Jun 2019|10:40pm]
Harry Potter slash lines anyone? I have a few pairings/characters in the journal I enjoy but very open.
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[ viewing | June 29th, 2019 ]
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