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[18 Jun 2019|12:09am]
Searching for someone who wants to write two characters who are soul mates, but don't know it. Story set in modern/present time, but with a twist. You won't know who your soul mate is until you kiss them at night under a new moon. You could kiss them at any other time day or night and never know.

Our characters have been friends since high school. I'm not looking for the trope of friends being in love and it's unrequited. What I am looking for is that one character is gay and the other isn't. See, the way soul mate works is that it's blind to gender, but it's binding. Meaning that is the one you will be with and are meant to be with. Open to discussing how the soul mate "thing" came about or if it's always been there.

I'm not looking for a magic or mythical line. There will be a relationship between these two because this will be a love story, but not looking for the "easy" road. I'm looking for someone who wants to brainstorm details out with me. Is that you? Older characters 30+ and journal threading.
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[18 Jun 2019|07:57am]
can i get a murray bartlett, mike colter, or jon hamm for a line against a tom holland pb?
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[18 Jun 2019|11:15pm]
Looking for a slash line involving a threesome relationship between bigger dudes as well as mpreg. Serious replies only, please.
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[ viewing | June 18th, 2019 ]
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