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[11 Jun 2019|05:00pm]
So. I just watched the live action Beauty and the Beast a bit belatedly, but I caught the line the dresser said that went something like "Finally! A woman!" and it made my head gears turn for the idea of some man being taken prisoner by the beast before Belle. A friend even cracked the joke of the enchanted staff not caring whether it was a male or female and trying to dress them up and shove them at the beast in hopes of breaking the curse.

Now, it could be really Disney style Beast or just something more cursed or even a werewolf or something but I'll admit I'm not well versed in ABO stuff. I just don't know how it works. Could be the "belle" is fae or something if you want to go full supernatural, or it could even be more of the land is cursed and no one looks scary or something but they still can't leave. Oops you wandered into the garden now you're stuck here too.

I'm open to either the beast or the "beauty" type. I can also play some side characters. You can give me a list of faces you like and I can do the same and we can narrow it down, or if you've got a couple in mind that will fit, we can go that route too!
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